Scratch Posts
There are three styles of scratch posts:
The Single Scratch Post comes with an optional toy (shown below).
Log Scratch Post
The Log scratch post lies flat on the floor. It comes in 12″, 18″ and 24″ lengths. New log sections can be purchased to attach to the base.
Double Scratch Post
The Double Scratch Post is available in two sizes, twenty-eight inches tall, with a twenty one by fourteen inch base and thirty-eight inches tall, with a twenty-four by sixteen inch base. The vertical and diagonal poles allow the cats to scratch in different directions. The top is a small rectangle and it can be upgraded to a large dish or a small or large flower.
Single Scratch Post
The Single Scratch Post comes in a few models, from a simple pole with a carpeted base to a wood base and wood top with a toy attached: The poles are three and a half inches in diameter, wrapped with 3/8 inch Brazilian sisal (the very best available in the world) and they are available for separate purchase to refurbish the scratch post when the rope wears through. The standard base is carpeted with an option for a wood base. The top of the post is capped with carpet and there is an option for a small rectangular top from which a ping-pong ball toy hangs.
The models are:
- SP16 sixteen inches tall with a sixteen inch base.
- SP24 twenty-four inches tall with a twenty inch base.
- SP32 thirty-two inches tall with a twenty inch base.
- SP40 forty inches tall with a twenty-two inch base.
- SP48 forty-eight inches tall with a twenty-two inch base.
To order your Single Scratch Post, please choose a base colour for the standard carpeted base (the carpet pole cap will be the same colour), or a wood base and choose the wood finish. Also you can choose the tall model from the selections below. Initial price shown is for the carpeted, 16 inch model with a small rectangle top.
Specialty Pages.
"Near" Hypoallergenic Trees
These are cat trees which are produced from all wood or a combination of wood and sisal rope, essentially eliminating the use of carpet. The benefits are:
- A great reduction in the risk of allergies for the cats and their owners.
- Much less cleaning required.
- All wood trees are built from Western Red Cedar, can be used outdoors and are highly recommended in outdoor enclosures.
Products For Less Mobile Cats
For older cats and for cats with plumpness issues, many of the Cloud 9 products have accessibility options:
- Platforms closer together, to make the jump up, and especially down, easier for them
- Ramps between the levels for the cat to walk up and down on a gentle incline..
Products Under $200.00.
Single level trees, single and double lily pads, scratch posts, various wall shelves.